Thursday, April 1, 2010

...and that my friend is what they call CLOSURE

CLOSURE: Main Entry: clo·sure
Pronunciation: \ˈklō-zhər\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin clausura, from clausus, past participle of claudere to close — more at close
Date: 14th century
...7 : an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality ; also : something (as a satisfying ending) that provides such a sense

clo·sure (klzhr)
1. The act of closing or the state of being closed: closure of an incision.
2. Something that closes or shuts.
a. A bringing to an end; a conclusion: finally brought the project to closure.
b. A feeling of finality or resolution, especially after a traumatic experience.

So... I decided this last week I needed some closure to a friendship that wasn't going anywhere. I had been told by several friends to just let it go. Not to say anything to them and to just move on. Well... this wasn't wworking for me 100%. So... I decided I needed to let them go. This person has been around for almost 5 years and we have done a lot together but we weren't helping each other out. Anyway, I decided its over.

Has anyone every really broken up with a friend? Well... I think I just did. It didn't happen the way that I wanted it to but it happend. And, surprisedly, I'm okay. I really okay. I feel very free. I think I was having a harder time making the decision a reality than when it actually just occurred. To protect the innocent, I'm not naming names but I'm good. I've forgiven them, I'm moving on, and I wish them best in their life to come. And... I plan to do the same.


Sara said...

Hey Christi, I hope that you are doing okay. Seeing the friends clip makes me miss you. Remember when we used to record all the Friends episodes with our lovely VCR so that we could watch them together and how we had ourselves all figured out as the different Friends characters! I miss you and hope that you are doing well.

Suedles said...

That's great Christi. Something I need to learn from you.