Monday, June 29, 2009

It's Hit Me... I Caught the Travel Bug!!!

I'm not sure when it hit but it hit me hard... It's a sickness that seems to hit people at different times in their life, and some people harder than others. Some unfortunate souls be lucky enough to be immune from this sickness. During the past couple of years, I have discovered that I have acquired this disease and I think it's getting worse. I have been self-diagnosed with the travel bug.

Let me give you a taste of where I've been in the since the beginning of 2009...

Pensacola (January 2009)

New Orleans (January 2009)

Richfield, Fillmore, St. George (January 2009)

St. George (February 2009)

Cedar City, St. George (March 2009)
Moab (March 2009)

Los Angeles (March 2009)
Bahamas (April 2009)

Fillmore (April 2009)

Blanding (April 2009)

San Diego (May 2009)

Logan (June 2009)

Trips yet to come...
Flaming Gorge (July 2009)

Pocatello (July 2009) Moab (July 2009)

Glacier National Park (July 2009)

Kuna (August 2009)

Blackfoot (August 2009)

Niagara Falls (September 2009)

Monday, June 15, 2009

40 day challenge...

So... not to long ago, my bishop told us that he believes that it takes 40 days to gain a habit (or lose one). So, I decided to try this challenge. Well... actually... I hadn't quite decided it was going to be 40 days but I had to make some changes and was planning on a month but if i can do a month, why not 40 days. So, here to goes nothing...

I am going to set some goals right here, right now...

1. Eat Breakfast. How hard can that be? Breakfast is supposed to be the best meal of the day. Starting tomorrow, I get to have the best meal of the day. I guess I've been really missing out on something here.

2. Exercise. So, I'm not going to say... I'm running every day or weight lifting or going to the gym... just exercise... Just plain ol' get up and move exercise. This is going to include, but not limited to, gym visits, spinning class, exercise videos, volleyball, soccer, running outside, resistance band during So You Think You Can Dance, ... any other suggestions???

3. No Credit Cards. So that idea of being debt free works a lot easier if you don't use credit cards. So, I'm done with them...

4. "Little Stuff". This means I'm going to read my scriptures and pray daily... you know... the Sunday School answers. I would say that I would put go to the temple, but I can't do that for 40 days. That will just be a side goal.

So, that's the start.... There are some other goals I have but it will have to be a later, more personal time if you want to hear about those ones.
So... your job is to keep me focused and keep asking... "how's it going?"
I'll let you know in 40 days if there are some new habits in my life...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Another Milestone reached... and what do I have to show for it...

So... I did it... I earned another piece of paper. This one cost a few more dollars than the first 3 and it was a little more stressful but I made it. I thought that during the past 3.5 years that I've been working on it, not much have changed in my life. But I think I might have been wrong...

I started the program in January 2006... Since then, I have ...

... moved... let's see... 1, 2, 3, ... 4 times.
... traveled to Greece, Boston (twice), Bahamas, New York City (twice), Washington DC, New Orleans, San Francisco (will, this was right before I started), San Diego, Los Angeles (at least 3 times), Havasupai, Florida, Seattle, Idaho (who knows how many times), Portland, Baltimore... just to name a few
... changed careers (working in my destined field of choice)
... sold my Camry, bought a new car, sold that one, bought another
... got in my first car accident (on the freeway)
... ran a few half marathons and several other smaller races and some relays
... acquired 6 new nieces and nephews
... became a true Ute Fan (I've been to 2 bowl games and am a certified football season ticket holder)
... saw a brother come home from a mission and saw another one leave (and... he's almost home now)
... said good-bye to my dear grandmother
... became a Jazz fan (got to love all those play-off games, which are not good for the pocketbook)
... chopped off my hair (I think I'm going to let it grow again)
... almost figured out how an engine to a Japanese sports car works (getting closer to that one figured out)
... went through 10 roommates (okay... still living with 4 of them, so went through 6 roommates)
... married off 1 roommate
... learned how to golf and even bought my first set of clubs
... been snow caving... 3 times
... attempted water skiing 2 more times (still can't get up)
... changed wards 3 times and have held number callings including activities co-chair, compassionate service coordinator, Relief Society Newsletter specialist and visiting teacher
... became CHES certified (Certified Health Education Specialist)
... took a week long course through Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

All I can say is that it's been a fun, few years...
Looking back, I've done a lot of things and have enjoyed it. It wasn't easy but it was worth it. I realize, some people can complete this program a little bit faster than me, but can they say they've had as much fun as me...???