Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Grass is Greener....

.... Once Winter is Over

People have been asking me how much I'm enjoying San Francisco... that's a difficult answer.  Let me just put it this way.... I'm excited to see what it holds for me but right now... I'm not sure.

I need to just spend a few minutes sharing my thoughts....

Let me just tell you, I think this is one of the more difficult things that I've done in my life.  This a challenge, an adventure... I am lonely yet positive... I don't feel like I made the wrong decision but I can't wait until the day comes where I feel like I have friends.  I realize now (again) how lucky I am to have the church and wards and stuff.  Hopefully, I'll be able to get a calling and home teachers and visiting teachers soon so I can start feeling some attachment to something here soon.  Good thing I have a big family, otherwise there wouldn't be a point to have a phone anymore.  That's going to change soon... I just know it.

I know that it this place is going to feel like home soon.  I'm going soon forget about this time by myself and enjoy my stint in the Bay Area.

On a more positive note.... I did go running on Saturday to an amazing view of The City.  One sunny days, it would be even better but I've already decided this is going to be my favorite place to go running.  I'll try to post a pic later...