Saturday, April 2, 2011

Life Unexpected

Time for an update... It's been awhile.

During the past few months a lot of unexpected things have happened to me. Last fall, I thought, I have a great house, living alone (which I thought was great), finding a program that I was actually enjoying, had a job that I liked.

Fast forward a few months...

I had a great friend that moved in with me. I was so excited. While loving living alone, I was so happy to be living with her. She's amazing. Landlord had different plans apparently. About 18 after friend moved in, I was told "I need to raise your rent and I have someone who wants to move in." My friend and I lasted 2 weeks. We both signed contracts on new places and were out of there.

So, that brings me to second change...I ended up having to move. I know, I have a lot of friends that have told me it would be good to buy but for some reason that's a commitment I can't bring myself to make. I can't even last in a house more that a few months before I feel like moving. Well... I had basically a forced move and it's been the best forced decision. Love my new house, my new room, walk in closet, own bathroom, and enough room to have more than 10 friends over at a time.

Third change... the house is bigger, which required me to get roommates. Let me tell... KSL ads does good. I found some great girls to live with. We are all independent and different but also have a lot of similar interests. Easy to live with, cute, social, smart girls. I think this is going to work out well.

Last, school has been a beast so I won't go into much detail... other than somehow I passed a class that I thought for sure I failed. So, that's good.

It's funny how much life can't be planned but somehow it all still works out. I may not get what I want when I want, but somehow it keeps going and going well.

And... all I'm going to say here is that I guess I wasn't right for Ragnar.


Hoopswim said...

Liked, then disliked, but glad I saw you tonight. =)

L.J. said...

Nice to hear an update! Nice to hear things are good. :)