Monday, October 25, 2010

Runner #14241

I am freaking out...

There are 6 days to go until I am doing my race in Washington DC. I fly out in 5 days. I have printed off my Confirmation Card, my Flight Plans, my metro directions, and many other items to make it through the weekend in the best way. I am now making my packing list. I'm not ready yet but I'm getting close.

During the last two weeks I was getting very concerned. I got this cold that was not treating my nice. Between not letting me sleep at night for several nights in a row, having the constant cough, having a hard time breathing, I was getting really worried. I went as far as asking a friend for a blessing but after asking him, I was finally able to get some sleep. After 3 nights of no sleep, that was a welcome event. I didn't need to get that blessing after all but it was nice to feel I had someone I thought I could ask. It's not always the easiest thing to do. But I'm feeling good now. I took the weekend off; I didn't do my last run... but at least I can breath now. I've been able to to get two 20-mile runs in so I know I can do the distance... but hopefully I can do the distance fast enough.

This weekend is going to be fun, and Kelly is coming with me. I'm hoping to be able to carry a camera and take some pictures along the way. I'm used to carrying my phone, so I'm going to replace my phone with my camera and hopefully document a few things along the way.

There has been a lot of work going into the race from my training to the fundraising involved with the race. I'm running this race on behalf of Safe Kids, the non-profit organization that I manage. I may not have reached my financial goal but I do appreciate the support that I've received from all of my friends and co-workers. I'm going to do my best to show my commitment to the race and the organization but representating the best that I can.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010